It's Twins!......That's Good Isn't It?
I'm a father of two girls aged 8 and 10.Life was going along quite smoothly when one day my Wife said..."How about we have another baby?"
Well I answered as anyone would "Huh!"
"I really want another baby"
" you think...we've got two other....maybe....ok"
I really didn't put up much resistance and within 2 months my beautiful Wife was pregnant.
We were overjoyed. The kids were excited. They had some 'great' news to tell at school.
The first trimester was different to my first children.
Not for me of course...I was fine. But for my Wife......
The pregnancy look works for my her but this time she had morning sickness (which she never had with the other two). Her nose was blocked and she didn't 'feel' right.
The day came that she needed to have an ultrasound.
Now I know I should have gone with her, but I stayed at home and looked after the girls.
She came home and I noticed that her eyes were red. I asked her if everythings ok. "Yep" she replied.
I then looked at the ultrasound pics and showed them to my girls. They said "cool" and wandered off.
My Wife then said for me to look at the pics again. "I already have" I said.
"Look at them again!" she demanded.
This time I looked more carefully. Then I saw........
"Twins!" I shouted. My girls came running back shouting "Twins! We're having twins!"
I was laughing and punching the air when I turned to my Wife.
She was crying. Actually thats an understatement, she was distraught.
"Oh" I said.
"How can we afford this...How can give attention to all the kids....We need a new car...." she said.
My Wife was upset for about three days.
We later found out that we were having boys (probably identical).
This made her feel a bit better.
I suppose the fact of having 4 girls was playing on her mind. be continued.