It's Twins!......That's Good Isn't It? Part II
Thirty six weeks in and we had an appointment with the Doc. One bub was lateral and the other bub was feet down with his head firmly planted in my Wife's ribs. She just couldn't get comfortable. That was it! She was going to explain to the Doc why the babies needed to come out...NOW! On the way to the appointment, she came up with numerous reasons why the birth need to be now.Doc listened and quietly explained that she wasn't ready. He the gave her an examination and asked if she was having any pain.
"Only Braxton Hicks" she replied.
"They weren't braxton hicks, you're in labour!"
"When I said now, I didn't mean....NOW!" she cried.
Anyway, six hours later, there they were. Joshua and Harrison. Identical boys. You'd be forgiven thinking otherwise.
One had a rounder face than the other. There was a substantial weight difference.
Apparently, the weight difference between identical twins is far greater than fraternal twins.
They were quite easy to tell apart, but we painted one of Joshua's fingernails blue just in case.
Months down the track, we look at photos of the boys as newborns and we CAN'T tell them apart.