Friday, February 16, 2007

Having Twins - Here's Some Great Tips!

What an excellent article from Linda Milo ...... thanks Linda!
I wish I had read this when we found out we were having twins..........

Well, Well - You're Having Twins! 11 Top Tips On Working With Newborn Twins
"Twins, it can't be! No one on either side of my husband's or my family can remember anyone having twins." I guess my words didn't matter much because when I heard I was going to give birth to twins, I felt a blessing, as if a special gift had been handed to me. Having twins meant being prepared for their arrival way before birth. I found out that not only did I need to purchase two of everything; I also discovered that I needed to be aware of the best way to parent my newborn twins.
Twins are both mystifying and marvelous. Their lives both enrich and complicate the lives of parents, brothers, sisters, friends and teachers. The birth of twins is due to either the splitting of a single egg, which produces identical twins, or to the fertilization of two separate eggs, which results in non-identical or fraternal twins. I once read the chances of a mother of any race delivering twins increases until her late thirties. The more children she already had, the higher the chances of twins. This was exactly my story. I was 32 years old when I gave birth to my fraternal twins (a boy and a girl) and I had four other smaller children at home awaiting their arrival. I felt very special knowing that my womb was the incubator for two precious souls.
I discovered by reading throughout my pregnancy many tips and techniques that would help me after the birth of my twins. I gave birth to my twins in Japan, without the available advice of my family and stateside friends, so gathering this information was paramount in creating and developing a harmonious household. Parenting would take on a larger dimension for my husband and myself. It was really a new ballgame and I wanted to know as much as I could in order to remain balanced, loving and emotionally attached to all of my children. Here are some of the tips, understandings, and suggestions on the raising of twins:
1. When you discover you will give birth to twins, contact a Twins Club via the Internet or yellow pages and become an active participant of the club. Learn all you can from other parents with twins.
2. Names - what to call your twins? It is suggested that parents choose distinctively different names for their babies instead of same initial names, i.e., Mary and Marion/Sam and Seth. Keep in mind that your twins are individuals from day one and should be thought of and treated as an individual.
3. With identical twins, parents may have a problem telling them apart. In order to correctly identify each twin, use small wristbands with their names on it, or select different color clothing and bedding. Start dressing your twins differently each day so that everyone knows who they are! Also try to remember to call each twin by its given name and not refer to them as "the twins." This will help greatly in their self-esteem as they get older.
4. Realize that even though you love both your twins, you may in the beginning feel more loving to one twin. Why? Because twins have very distinctive personalities from birth. One baby may appear more placid and the other baby more temperamental. In any case, these feelings seem to pass as your twins spend more time with you.
5. Twins bond pretty early in life. My twins each played a role for each other. If my son dropped his pacifier, my daughter would crawl over and place it in his mouth! If my daughter were looking for something, my son would always find it and hand it to her. My son was more excitable and full of energy. My daughter was quieter and more serene. Twins often continue to show these patterns of behavior during their infancy and beyond. Even though twins identify with each other, they also need to create their own individuality. When you see them become their own person, promote it whole-heartily.
6. Breastfeeding or bottle-feeding? Twins will accept either one. I found that nursing twins simultaneously, even though clumsy at first, was the way to go. I would tuck one twin under each arm, supported by pillows. I would rotate the babies, changing breasts for each feeding. The advantages of breastfeeding are, of course, the protection against infection, as well as the nutrients required for your twins' healthy growth. A family saves both time and money when breastfeeding: a mother has more physical contact while breastfeeding and if you're feeding your babies by bottle (separately), it inevitably takes twice as long. The advantage of bottle-feeding is that other people around you can share your workload. You can pump your breast milk and have your husband, or older children, feed the babies. This will allow you a rest. Important: Don't forget to eat several substantial meals a day, as your babies are breastfeeding. Breastfeeding takes nutrients from your bodily system. Join La Leche League and attend their meetings if you decide to breastfeed.
7. Your first year with twins will be hectic and appear at times to be unmanageable. Remember that your first year should be a year of seeking and accepting help. You only have two hands. Isolation will be a part of your day. Your friends may visit you less and less. True, there is not much time for socializing, but remember to take "me" time as often as you. Time to get your nails done, your hair cut, a bubble bath, time for a movie….any time that is away from your babies. Balance is the key to everything and if you're tired and irritable because of being "mommy" each and every day, you need to allow your husband, family or friends to take over once in awhile.
8. As often as possible, get a good night's sleep. Being refreshed for your day with your twins is vital for your mental and physical health. Twins don't necessarily sleep at the same time, but if and when they do, take a cat-nap yourself. When your twins are a couple of months old, run the vacuum cleaner while they are napping. Get them used to noise and then watch them sleep right through it!
9. Create routines for EVERYTHING. Routines need to be created for bathing time, feeding time, sleeping time, clothes washing time, walking outdoors time - any domestic task you do each and every day should have a routine attached to it. It will save you energy and your sanity. Doing the same thing (at the same time) each day will create time for you to breathe and feel whole. Do not become a slave to the moment; instead make a routine that can only be changed by an emergency. Without a routine in place, you will find yourself drained, as you'll feel yourself being stretched beyond your imagination.
10. Know in advance: Your time spent with each twin will seem unequal. One baby may demand more time either because he/she cries more or takes longer to feed. Do not feel guilty. Every mother of twins knows that this scenario can't really be changed! If you find yourself resenting the twin who occupies more of your time, re-think this out and decide that you are doing the best you can. A mother with twins will find it very difficult to devote any kind of concentrated attention to one twin without the other twin calling for equal attention. One day, as the twins grow older, you can dedicate yourself to more one-on-one time with each twin in a more equitable fashion.
11. Fathers are vital to the raising of twins. Fathers are not aides or assistants - they are and should be considered an active participant who can supply the individualized attention your twins demand. Work out a system with your husband so that both of you understand who will do what and when for your twins. Fathers are a role model to a boy/girl twin or a boy twin that is invaluable.
Being the mother and father of twins is indeed very special. Parent your twins with joy, patience, perspective and understanding. Discover the personal growth that develops within you as you watch four tiny bright eyes peering up at you as you are feeding your babies. Relax. Be in awe and be aware knowing that your twins are truly a gift and a grace from God.
Copyright © 2005 by Linda Milo and Empowering Parents Now. All rights reserved.
About the Author
Linda Milo, a.k.a., "The Parent-Child Connection Coach" specializes in helping mothers and fathers turn their parenting challenges into a more livable, more workable, and more enjoyable family life. Go to: and find out how Linda can help you.

Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Great Gift Ideas for Twin Babies

Just read this article. Some great ideas. I agree that the twin feeding pillow is an absolute must! Here is the article..............

Did you know that there are at least 125 million living multiples all around the world? Although there's quite a few of them, twins are really unique and twice the fun! But new parents of multiple babies have a lot to juggle. That's why its important to select gifts that really lend them a helping hand or help them to create special memories of their twins. Here are some terrific ideas:
Dual Photo Frame: Photo frames always make nice, practical gifts - especially for new parents. Go online and find one that was made for proudly displaying twins. Some keepsake frames include special quotes, personalization with their names and themes.
Twins Nursing Pillow: This is a must have gift for a new mom who has decided to breastfeed her babies. She'll be able to feed her twins simultaneously, comfortably and hands-free. You can find these lifesavers in foam and inflatable models.
Gift from Pottery Barn Kids: Go online and visit Pottery Barn Kids - a leading cataloguer of children's products. They have a wonderful assortment of baby gift ideas like My First Nap gift bags, nursery critters and keepsakes. Just make sure that you double your order!
Twin Baby Carrier: Another must have, a twin baby carrier is absolutely necessary for busy moms and dads of multiples. Babies can ride comfortable and usually in several positions: facing mom or dad or facing the rest of the world! These carriers are a safe way to transport babies on foot.
A How-To Book: Sounds funny, doesn't it? But new parents often need a lot of help when caring for their new baby - imagine having two to figure out! That's why books are so invaluable to the new mom and dad. Visit Amazon for a huge selection of books and guides on how to care for twins.
Twins Memory Books: Memory books are very important for new moms and dads. It's a way to keep track of baby's progress, remember important first milestones and holidays. has a great selection of memory books for twins. Look for them online or in your hometown.
Double Stroller: New parents are always looking for ways to stay active and healthy. But it's hard trying to find time to exercise when you have a baby to tend to and with two, well it would seem next to impossible. That's why a double stroller makes a wonderful gift. Mom and dad can take along both babies while they jog or run. There are many models to choose from so shop around. You might also want to visit the Web site of Consumer Reports to find out which strollers are top with parents.
© 2005, Kathy Burns-Millyard. Visit The Home Gift Shopper at for more baby gift ideas.
Article Source:

Sunday, July 30, 2006

Identical Twins Are Exactly The Same - Or Are They?

How can identical twins be genetically different? - Hindu

Just read this news item. I've always thought that identical twins have their differences. One of my twins seems to get ill a lot more often than the other. Makes for some interesting reading....

How can identical twins be genetically different?
Hindu, India - 26 Jul 2006
... to tell them apart. Identical twins who grow up together share just about everything, including their genes. But sometimes only ...

Monday, April 24, 2006

It's Twins!......That's Good Isn't It? Part II

Thirty six weeks in and we had an appointment with the Doc. One bub was lateral and the other bub was feet down with his head firmly planted in my Wife's ribs. She just couldn't get comfortable. That was it! She was going to explain to the Doc why the babies needed to come out...NOW! On the way to the appointment, she came up with numerous reasons why the birth need to be now.
Doc listened and quietly explained that she wasn't ready. He the gave her an examination and asked if she was having any pain.
"Only Braxton Hicks" she replied.
"They weren't braxton hicks, you're in labour!"
"When I said now, I didn't mean....NOW!" she cried.
Anyway, six hours later, there they were. Joshua and Harrison. Identical boys. You'd be forgiven thinking otherwise.
One had a rounder face than the other. There was a substantial weight difference.
Apparently, the weight difference between identical twins is far greater than fraternal twins.
They were quite easy to tell apart, but we painted one of Joshua's fingernails blue just in case.
Months down the track, we look at photos of the boys as newborns and we CAN'T tell them apart.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

It's Twins!......That's Good Isn't It?

I'm a father of two girls aged 8 and 10.
Life was going along quite smoothly when one day my Wife said..."How about we have another baby?"
Well I answered as anyone would "Huh!"
"I really want another baby"
" you think...we've got two other....maybe....ok"
I really didn't put up much resistance and within 2 months my beautiful Wife was pregnant.
We were overjoyed. The kids were excited. They had some 'great' news to tell at school.
The first trimester was different to my first children.
Not for me of course...I was fine. But for my Wife......
The pregnancy look works for my her but this time she had morning sickness (which she never had with the other two). Her nose was blocked and she didn't 'feel' right.
The day came that she needed to have an ultrasound.
Now I know I should have gone with her, but I stayed at home and looked after the girls.
She came home and I noticed that her eyes were red. I asked her if everythings ok. "Yep" she replied.
I then looked at the ultrasound pics and showed them to my girls. They said "cool" and wandered off.
My Wife then said for me to look at the pics again. "I already have" I said.
"Look at them again!" she demanded.
This time I looked more carefully. Then I saw........
"Twins!" I shouted. My girls came running back shouting "Twins! We're having twins!"
I was laughing and punching the air when I turned to my Wife.
She was crying. Actually thats an understatement, she was distraught.
"Oh" I said.
"How can we afford this...How can give attention to all the kids....We need a new car...." she said.
My Wife was upset for about three days.
We later found out that we were having boys (probably identical).
This made her feel a bit better.
I suppose the fact of having 4 girls was playing on her mind. be continued.